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Graph Databases for Perovskite Solar Cell Manufacturing

Data Science Capstone

Led a team of 4 students over 20 weeks to build a flexible graph database and data pipeline for the SOLEIL solar cell research lab, allowing them to analyze the massive amounts of manufacturing data they collect, and learn what produces better solar cells.
Won the Outstanding Capstone Project Award, out of 66 projects and 230+ students! 🙌

• Shortened runtime from exponential (proportional to data volume) to linear by implementing and testing the performance of three databases - tabular, relational, and graph (Neo4j) based.
• Implemented backwards-compatible data pipeline in Python to match the lab’s existing workflow; created onboarding materials and ran live demos for lab members.
• I also made the report website!

This Website

Self-directed project, educational milestone

Using front-end webdev skills to create a living portfolio!

Gender Analysis on NYPD Complaints

A Statistical Exploration

Employing exploratory data analysis techniques, machine learning, and statistical methods to unearth relationships in this dataset.

• Built a logistic regression model with feature engineering and optimized parameters to predict gender bias in complaint outcomes; evaluated model fairness and generated data visualizations using Matplotlib.
• Conclusion: women have an advantage of 2% as compared to men--but no statistically significant bias exists in 2019.

DataHacks 2021

Religious Text Analysis

A report prepared in 36 hours for DataHacks, UCSD's premier machine learning/data science hackathon. (I also singlehandedly did the design and branding for this event!)

• Analyzed a dataset on word usage and frequency in given religious texts.
• Used a logistic regression classification model to differentiate choice of diction between chronologically related books.


Qualcomm Institute, City of San Diego

Undergraduate Student Researcher • Dec 2020 – May 2021

Used ArcGIS (geospatial data software) and machine learning practices to help quantify the efficacy of the City of San Diego's Climate Action Plan by mapping the development of San Diego's urban tree canopy.


Deloitte Consulting

Strategy & Analytics Intern, Government and Public Services • Jun – Aug 2022

Served a major US government sector (near 500,000 members) as a client on a cloud migration initiative.

• Collaborated with 5 other interns to shift internal operations to Microsoft Teams, streamlining PMO team’s workflow.
• Revamped and delivered several client deliverables, expediting project phase completion time.
• Authored materials promoting the team’s accomplishments and vision, to win future and continuous work from client.
• Prepared resources for weekly, monthly, and ad-hoc meetings with client; attended meetings, took minutes, and documented action items for greater accountability on both sides.
• Independently achieved an AWS Cloud Practitioner certification while shadowing cybersecurity and cloud engineering team.


Project Manager • Jan – Aug 2021

Singapore-based fintech firm using artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer solutions to financial institutions and telecommunication companies in Asia, aiming to reach millions of unbanked and unaccounted people.

• Directed creation of a dashboard to display and quantify financial and political relations between China and Southeast Asia.
• Managed team of four international developers, and liased with China’s Caixin Media as clients. Also undertook additional front-end development and user UI/UX design to ensure that the team met all project deadlines.


Intern • July - Aug 2018

The first high-school intern in the history of the company. Agile-design consultancy headquartered in France that specializes in website, app, and Internet of Things (“IOT”) device development.

• Designed UI mockups and conducted UX testing/research for Singapore's Ministry of Manpower, the Government Technology Agency of Singapore, and DBS Bank's Car and Property Marketplace as clients.
• Also shadowed the development of IoT devices with DevOps engineers, commissioned by client DBS Bank for use in smart restaurants; conducted research on microcontrollers.


Data Science Student Society ("DS3")

VP Internal (former Design Lead) • Fall 2019 - Present

Largest undergraduate data science organization in California (1000+ students)

• Mobilized 90+ students and facilitated collaboration between 12 committees to provide opportunities — data science projects, career fairs, technical workshops, online content, social events, and an annual hackathon.
• Established Design committee and trained two subcommittee members, contributing to 700+ new DS3 members.
• Produced branding and merchandise for DataHacks 2020-2022, increasing yearly applicants by 12%.
• Singlehandedly revamped DS3’s brand identity, directed UI/UX development of all DS3 websites, and designed advertising for all DS3 events, amplifying the visibility, strength, and professionalism of the data science community at UCSD

Triton Engineering Student Council ("TESC")

Sponsorship • Fall 2019 - Fall 2020

Oversees and organizes all engineering student organizations at UCSD.

• Organized hundreds of potential sponsors, companies, and university recruiters for TESC events, such as the Disciples of Engineering Career Fair (“DeCaf”) and HackXX, UCSD’s women-centric, all-inclusive hackathon.
• Managed relationships with sponsors as first point of contact between companies and UCSD.
• Liaised between other committees regarding management of event logistics and funds.


Languages, Libraries, and Programs


Python, SQL, R, Java, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
English (native), Mandarin (intermediate high), Bahasa Indonesia (conversational)


Pandas, NumPy, SciKit-Learn, SciPy, Matplotlib, BeautifulSoup, Tableau, Seaborn


Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, ZBrush (3D Modeling), ArcGIS, GSAP (JavaScript animations)


B.S in Data Science, with Minor in Business

University of California, San Diego • 2019 - 2023

3.8 GPA, Provost's Honors

Relevant Courses

Data Science

COGS 9 Introduction to Data Science
DSC 10 Principles of Data Science
DSC 10 Principles of Data Science
DSC 20, DSC 30 Data Structures and Algorithms
DSC 40A, B Theoretical Foundations of Data Science I, II
DSC 80 Practice and Application of Data Science

CSE 158 Web Mining and Recommender Systems
DSC 102 Systems for Scalable Analytics
DSC 106 Data Visualization
CSE 151A, DSC 140B Probabilistic Modeling and Machine Learning


MATH 18 Linear Algebra
MATH 20C Calculus and Analytic Geometry

MATH 183 Statistical Methods
MATH 189 Exploratory Data Analysis and Inference


MGT 18 Managing Diverse Teams
MGT 45 Principles of Accounting

MGT 166 Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
MGT 153 Business Analytics
MGT 103 Product Marketing & Management
MGT 181 Enterprise Finance
MGT 112 Global Business Strategy


COGS 120 Interaction Design